FastAPI 是一个现代、高性能的 Python Web 框架,基于 Starlette 和 Pydantic,特别适合构建 RESTful API。以下是一些 FastAPI 的高阶用法,帮助你充分发挥其潜力:
1. 依赖注入 (Dependency Injection)
FastAPI 提供了强大的依赖注入系统,可以在路径操作函数中复用代码、管理资源或执行初始化操作。
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| from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def common_parameters(q: str | None = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10): return {"q": q, "skip": skip, "limit": limit}
@app.get("/items/") async def read_items(commons: dict = Depends(common_parameters)): return {"message": "Hello Items!", "params": commons}
- 优点: 可以将公共逻辑(如认证、数据库连接)提取到依赖中,保持代码 DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself)。
- 进阶用法: 支持嵌套依赖、全局依赖(通过
2. 自定义响应模型与动态校验
通过 Pydantic 模型,你可以定义复杂的输入输出校验逻辑,并动态调整返回内容。
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| from pydantic import BaseModel, validator from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
class Item(BaseModel): name: str price: float
@validator("price") def price_must_be_positive(cls, value): if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Price must be positive") return value"/items/", response_model=Item) async def create_item(item: Item): return item
- 高阶技巧: 使用
排除未设置的字段,或者用 Union
3. 异步数据库操作
FastAPI 支持异步编程,结合 ORM(如 SQLAlchemy 的异步支持或 Tortoise ORM)可以显著提升性能。
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| from fastapi import FastAPI from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession, create_async_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
app = FastAPI()
engine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///example.db") AsyncSessionLocal = sessionmaker(engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False)
async def get_db(): async with AsyncSessionLocal() as session: yield session
@app.get("/data/") async def read_data(db: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db)): result = await db.execute("SELECT * FROM some_table") return result.fetchall()
- 注意: 确保数据库驱动支持异步(如
或 asyncpg
4. 中间件 (Middleware)
FastAPI 支持自定义中间件,用于处理请求和响应的全局逻辑,例如日志、CORS 或认证。
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| from fastapi import FastAPI, Request from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware import time
app = FastAPI()
@app.middleware("http") async def add_process_time_header(request: Request, call_next): start_time = time.time() response = await call_next(request) process_time = time.time() - start_time response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time) return response
app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )
5. WebSocket 支持
FastAPI 支持 WebSocket,适合实时应用场景。
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| from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket
app = FastAPI()
@app.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() await websocket.send_text(f"Message received: {data}")
- 高阶用法: 结合依赖注入管理 WebSocket 连接状态,或实现广播功能。
6. 背景任务 (Background Tasks)
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| from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def write_log(message: str): with open("log.txt", "a") as f: f.write(f"{message}\n")"/send-notification/") async def send_notification(email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks): background_tasks.add_task(write_log, f"Notification sent to {email}") return {"message": "Notification queued"}
- 注意: 背景任务不会阻塞响应,但需要确保任务本身是线程安全的。
7. 自定义异常处理
FastAPI 允许你定义全局异常处理器,统一处理特定类型的错误。
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| from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
app = FastAPI()
@app.exception_handler(RequestValidationError) async def validation_exception_handler(request, exc): return JSONResponse( status_code=400, content={"message": "Validation error", "details": exc.errors()}, )
@app.get("/items/{item_id}") async def read_item(item_id: int): if item_id == 0: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found") return {"item_id": item_id}
- 进阶: 可以为特定异常类(如数据库错误)定义独立的处理器。
8. OpenAPI 扩展
FastAPI 自动生成 OpenAPI 文档,你可以通过 tags
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| from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
@app.get("/items/", tags=["items"], summary="Get all items", response_description="List of items") async def read_items(): return [{"id": 1, "name": "Foo"}]
- 高阶技巧: 使用
参数自定义 OpenAPI Schema,或集成外部工具(如 ReDoc)优化文档展示。